Monday, September 20, 2010

First Year Japanese

Truth I am not quite sure why I took Japanese. I have always been a big fan of anime, so I guess my interest in Japanese grew from there. Everyday I am liking Japanese more and more. The only down side to the language is the amount of time that needs to be put in in order to grasp the language. Learning new characters is challenging, but definitely worthwhile. All in all, I can definitely see myself sticking with this language. =]

1 comment:

  1. はじめ まして。 ホンです。 ノトルダムだいがくのいちねんせいです。
    どおぞ よろしく。 I don't have one big reason or anything to take にほんご either. I just love manga. It is time consuming but so far its been worth it.
