Wednesday, February 2, 2011


何物が好きですか。わかりません。物がたくさん好きですね。If I had to choose...ダンスが好きです。(When I dance)何もをしんぱいしませんから、ダンスがいちばんすきです。

I really do wish I can express everything I want to say about dance in Japanese, but my vocabulary will not permit me; I feel if I try to simplify my sentences and thoughts, something would get lost in translation. Anyway, throughout high school I was a huge performing arts junkie. Chorus, theater, band, and dance, I did it all. But theater and music to me always felt external (if that makes any sense). If though I enjoyed them, it felt like I had to produce something for audience. (I know that was not the case for other classmates of mine) But dance always felt very internal for me. I was able to get into the music and even act while I moved my body. からだは物をたくさんしますから、すごいですね。It can bend and move in ways that most people can't imagine. When you let music carry you, its almost as though you stop being you and are a part of something else, something more.

Sorry to get all passionate about movement and dance. Just thought I'd give a better explanation than I would if I attempted to write it in Japanese.

I wish my vocab was larger.


  1. Loved your post. made me think of how Shakesphere gave the golden world to the artists, philosophers .. great that you have a passion about something especially invoving the artistic realm ^^

  2. すみません、私はノトルダムの学生です。^^

  3. 今これは見た時、ほとんど書けると思います。
